Intellectually stimulating conversations about the colonial public sphere, non-normative lectures on the Aryan question, existential crisis of feudalism in recent historiography, and deliberating on many more historical musings that sometimes shake us, but mostly shatter all that we thought we knew about our world – this is what a quintessential day at the Department of History, Lady Shri Ram College for Women looks like. The department is the perfect amalgamation of encouraging faculty members, and students who are equally eager to test new waters.

Constantly questioning its own biases, the History department’s blog claims to be anything but objective. We believe there are things which cannot be captured by a date on the calendar or artefacts from a ruin, and through this blog, we hope to take history outside textbooks and into contemporary discourses. We promise not to turn it into a crash course on various schools of Historical thought (though we do have feels for the post-modernists; the Marxists will receive due respect here; the Nationalists shall not be harmed, but will be asked to clarify their position before they can find any space on our virtual map; and the Annales, well, the French are mostly always welcome – as long as they know the French Revolution happened in their heads).

Our team will be updating the blog with an assortment of the most exciting, interesting and mind-boggling, from across the spectrum of time. But truth be told, we are enthusiasts of the contemporary, drawing parallels between processes of the past and the present. We analyse, discuss and indulge in discourse to understand but never conclude.

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